Puppet Monster Massacre - review from 2013

As a child, I loved all things puppets...Sesame Street, Fraggle Rock, The Muppets. Along with all things "cute", my parents allowed me to love horror flicks as well. Fast forward 30 years & Dustin W. Mills gives me the best of both worlds with "The Puppet Monster Massacre".

The Puppet Monster Massacre Trailer (NSFW)

I really didn't know what to expect going in but I assure you, I loved it. The writing, the puppets, the FX....all great. Dustin has a love for cinema & it shows throughout not only TPMM, but his other films as well.

He proves that with a vision & determination, you can make a great movie with a very low microbudget. So if you like puppetry, puppet boobs, gore, & must check this out.

4.5 / 5