The Last Resorts (pilot from VilleTV)

This is a pilot for a new series being produced by VilleTV up in Louisville.

 From their YouTube channel:

 "A team of Special Operatives act as undercover cleaners for a secret agency, taking on missions that can't be officially sanctioned. When all else fails... The Last Resorts."

I thought it was put together nicely. The dialogue was well written & the action sequences were cool.

The only thing that kinda bothered me was the audio during the interrogation scenes. It was really low & I had the volume on my computer all the way up.. That could very well could of just been my laptop being difficult though...who knows.

I look forward to future episodes which will happen once they get the funding to do so.

 3.5 / 5 stars

UPDATE: I spoke to a member of the crew & they did indeed have some issues with the audio in post. They know what the problem is & won't be an issue in the future.

Bra Sniffer (short)

There are quite a few actors & actresses in Central & Northern Kentucky who are fantastic. One of those who isn't as well known (at least he wasn't to me until recently ) is James Smith. He is both funny & naseatingly creepy in this. His delivery of a few one liners had me blurting out with laughter (at work mind you).

The movie is pretty much what you would think.  A bra loving pervert who just happens to be obsessed with his sister in law.  There is a twist that only Jerry Williams (writer / director) could come up with but I won't spoil that.

4 / 5 stars

Impact: After The Crash

I was 11 years old when the Carrollton bus tragedy occurred in 1988. It dominated the news here in Kentucky for a long time & rightfully so. At the time it was the deadliest drunk driving crash in U.S. history...a statistic that still remains true today.

 "Impact: After the Crash" tells the story of a church youth group's trip to a Southern Ohio amusement park, the accident that occurred on their way home, the 27 people who passed away, & the survivors that made it.

 The only thing I wish this film had, was more on Larry Wayne Mahoney, the drunk driver who caused the accident. Unfortunately, he refused several inquiries from the film's makers to participate in the documentary.

And yes...he is out of prison...having only served 10 of the 16 years he was sentenced to. I HIGHLY recommend checking this out.

 4 / 5 stars


Lex Files (short)

I love all genres of film, as well as shorts.  Take a couple different styles, mix in some funny dialog, & keep it under 15 minutes....& you got me.

"Lex Files" is a 2014 short film, written & directed by Steve Guynn that stars a who's who of Central Kentucky film alum.  No one performance really stood out for me amongst the others.

It's a nice little mix of comedy & b-movie sci-fi.

My only real gripe would be that I wish it was a little longer. That's natural though when it's a film that you are enjoying. I am hoping Steve does another "episode" down the road.

4 / 5 stars

The Horror (short)

"The Horror" is a short written & directed by Ford Windstar. It is the story of an insane, semi castration obsessed, homicidal woman & her mistreated husband who does all her bidding ( including body disposal ).

This is way over the top, in all the best ways. The cast was great with Antoinette Savid standing out with her psychotic yet humorous role.

I've actually watched this 3 times so far & plan to watch it again soon.

4.5 / 5 stars

The Conjuring - review from 2013

OK..."The Conjuring". By no means is it not a good flick, I liked it. But after all the posts I've read since it came out, I was a little disappointed.

Everything about it was good...the story, the acting, the cinematography. What was missing was the "scary" aspect. was creepy, but I didn't experience "I was scared" factor.

Maybe I just have a different point of view when it comes to it. Who knows. Nonetheless, James Wan has directed another good movie, not his best, but a good one.

With that, I am a fan of his & I am looking forward to "Insidious: Chapter 2".

2.5 / 5 stars

I Saw The Light

I'll be honest & admit that I am not that familiar with the history of Hank Williams' life. I enjoy his music as well that of his son's & more notably his grandson's ( Hank III ).

When I saw the trailer, I felt like it was something I needed to see. Although I am not a huge fan of Tom Hiddleston...I decided to catch it while I could on the big screen.

The acting was pretty good all around. Hiddleston as Williams was pretty much spot on although I couldn't get his as "brother of Thor" out of my head the whole time.

It was good, although it lacked a lot of his life's story prior his career ( I believe the movie was post age 20.) That submission along with some choppy editing caused this to not be a GREAT film in my opinion.

 3 / 5 stars

Puppet Monster Massacre - review from 2013

As a child, I loved all things puppets...Sesame Street, Fraggle Rock, The Muppets. Along with all things "cute", my parents allowed me to love horror flicks as well. Fast forward 30 years & Dustin W. Mills gives me the best of both worlds with "The Puppet Monster Massacre".

The Puppet Monster Massacre Trailer (NSFW)

I really didn't know what to expect going in but I assure you, I loved it. The writing, the puppets, the FX....all great. Dustin has a love for cinema & it shows throughout not only TPMM, but his other films as well.

He proves that with a vision & determination, you can make a great movie with a very low microbudget. So if you like puppetry, puppet boobs, gore, & must check this out.

4.5 / 5

When Happy Met Froggie

When I obtained "When Happy Met Froggie"...I really had no idea what it was about other then what I could see on the cover ( a clown & a frog puppet ).

Soon I realized that it was about "Happy's Hou", a local kid's television show that sired in the mid to late 70s.  A show I unfortunately didn't know about or had heard of until now.  My family didn't seem remember it either.

They told the story really well & it was great seeing footage of old Lexington in the opening of the show.  Speaking of the show...the DVD has several full episodes as a bonus.

I look forward to watching the other works of director Michael Crisp, who is also an author of several "Kentucky" based books.

4 / 5 stars


Tailypo (short)

First off...I need to apologize to Cameron McCasland for just now getting around to viewing this. He kindly sent the the screener over to me to view a bit ago.

Now...having viewed it...I must say that I wish I had viewed sooner. I liked it...plain & simple.

We start off with an elderly gentleman & his dog out hunting for their next meal. Having seen something off in the distance, the man takes aim & shoots...only injuring his target.

As night falls, things are realized as the wounded creature stalks the old man's cabin in search of what's his.

This is based on a creature on North American Folklore & if ever giving the opportunity to check this out...I highly recommend it.

3.5 / 5 stars

Velver Road (short) - review from 2013

My lack of faith in the zombie genre was just turned upside down in the time span of 13m 54s. L Gustavo Cooper's "Velvet Road" is that "something different" you wish for.

Intensity, fear, &'s all here.  I literally found myself getting teary eyed as I watched the character Bobby struggle with decisions & change his beliefs.

It is beautifully shot & backed with a great score. I look forward to Gustavo's other works & inevitably bright future.

4.5 / 5 stars
IMDB page | Velvet Road FB page

2 Hours (short) - review from 2013

"2 Hours" tells the story of a unnamed man, thrust into a virus outbreak. Not only is he having to deal with the loss of his girlfriend, he has to deal with being bit. Having only "2 Hours" to find other survivors before the virus over takes him, he finds himself struggling with visions of his recently lost love.

 The film, written by Josh Merrill & directed / shot / edited by Michael Ballif , is really well done. With little to no budget, they were able to put together a film that pulls you in. The acting was excellent & the make up / FX were just right & not over the top.

I loved their decision to use first person, POV, & wide shots throughout. Deciding to do that could've been a mess but Ballif's editing made it work. Pair that with locations chosen to have a visual treat of a movie.

4.5 / 5 stars
IMDB page | 2 Hours FB page

 I highly recommend everyone check it out ( see below ).

Nutsack pt. 1: Lucifer's Cosmonauts ( SPOILER FREE )

You never know what you're going to get when you get the newest film from James Bell.

His first 3 releases were all unique, each with their own style. With his latest, that's no different.

To me it was as if 2 of his other films ( "Manuer" & "Tantrum" ) had a baby...& that's a great thing. I really loved what he did for this one.  His direction & FX evolve with each movie.

It's a gross, disturbing, demented gore fest that you can't look away from. it's definitely not for everyone, but James knows that.

If you're familiar with his earlier will not be disappointed at all.

 4 / 5 stars
very fine crap videos | v.f.c.v. on YouTube

Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice ( TINYSPOILERS )

This one was a long time coming. Leading up to the release...a lot of "critics" gave it less then stellar reviews. I rarely listen to those reviews & go in wanting to form my own opinion.

 And that opinion is...I liked it. has it's flaws ( most movies do ), but it was fun. It was jumbled in parts & seemed rushed in others.

Not sure if it was just me, but Batman's dream sequences seemed pointless. I thought the "introductions" of the members of the Justice League was kinda cool, something some critics didn't like.

The final showdown between Batman & Superman wasn't as epic as I had hoped but OK in the end.

The introduction of Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman was one of the highlights for me. She needed more screen time, something they could've done with an over all run time of 2 1/2 hours.

In the end, it didn't deserved the backlash it got. It was good...but not anywhere close to most of the Marvel movies good though.

2.5 / 5 Stars